Excuse You…
Is it really that hard just to say, “Excuse me”? Is politeness something that isn’t taught in other countries? I was sitting in the Inner Circle in CCC the other day and I had my nicely ironed uniform jacket draped behind me on my chair when this group of rude foreign idiots decided to sit at a table behind me. Now, the tables are rather close in the CCC and I completely understand that. But these buffoons were trying to sit down and one of them kept shoving at my chair, wrinkling my jacket in what seemed like an attempt to move my chair without my knowledge despite the fact that I was sitting in it. What the hell is wrong with society today that leads to the procreation and proliferation of jackasses like that?!
I wouldn’t have nearly been as pissed off, if one of them had just said, “Oh, excuse me, can you move a bit so I can sit down?” No, they had to start shoving at my chair trying to squeeze into a tiny space. And as if that wasn’t enough, they had to talk and cackle loudly as I was trying to read and study. I also understand that many people at UIC are international students and come from different countries with different customs and courtesies. So let me just inform you now that we in America do not appreciate being annoyed! We may take your tired, your hungry, and your poor, but no where does it say that we take your rude and ridiculously stupid. We have enough dumb Americans to worry about without you!
Get Off the Sidewalk!!!
The weather is still relatively nice and people are still utilizing bicycle as a means of transportation, unfortunately, no one seems to have picked up a copy of the Rules of the Road for bikes. Pedestrians belong on sidewalks and bikes and cars belong on the road. You don’t see people driving cars on sidewalks, so why should bicyclists ride around like imbeciles terrorizing pedestrians?
I bike a lot myself and on the bike paths downtown, bicyclists have the decency to warn you as they pass. “On your left,” or “On your right,” are common phrases used to tell someone that they’re about to be passed up. On the other hand, we also have the brainless bikers that just seem to swerve in and out of pedestrian traffic like a bike messenger under the influence. The next time some moron on two wheels nearly hits me, I’m going to go terrorize bike paths with my Jeep. How does THAT make YOU feel?!?
Hey, Where’s the Timetable?
It’s getting to be that time of year again, when we all will have to pick our poisons for the upcoming semester. Spring 2004 holds a special significance for me, in that it will be my last semester at good old UIC, also known as the University of In-Competence. I register in a little over 2 weeks and the timetable is no where to be found. Other universities have made class schedules available for their students… why not us? Ah yes… rumors have it that UIC dorked up the timetables when they decided to cut, consolidate, slice, dice, and chop classes so much that all the changes couldn’t get to the printers on time.
So what is being done? Allegedly the timetable will be online for us… is it there now? Nope. This is reminiscent of the time the UIC Timetable said “UCI Timetable” and they were delayed for a while as little tiny stickers that said UIC were stuck on the books to cover up UCI. Or how about the U-Pass recall when they were printed with: “University of Ilinois” instead of the proper spelling of our great state? How many more instances of incompetence must we deal with? I guess we’ll have to wait until pigs fly and the University Hall fountain is completed.
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