Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Bit of Seriousness

Iraq Isn’t Over…

Almost everyday I turn on my computer to read the news online and there is some headline about yet another American being killed in Iraq. It’s gotten to a point where more people have died since the “end” of the war than during it. This seems to be an indication that war isn’t over and we shouldn’t treat it that way. People who protested the war seem be accept this loss of American lives as, “Oh, we shouldn’t have been there anyways.” Regardless of whether or not we “should” have been there, we were there and we are still there. Their blatant disregard for human life is morally repugnant.

I’ve said this before, it doesn’t matter if we support the conflict, because no sane human being would ever support war in a manner that he or she would be, “Go war!! YAY for war!!” What truly matters are the men and women that are sent to the conflict, who risk their lives, and possibly can even lose their lives. We are currently in a lose-lose situation. If we do pull out of Iraq and turn our backs so that there are no more casualties, then we will be criticized worldwide for not “cleaning up a mess we started.” If we do stay in Iraq, then we continue to put lives at risk because we’re not there to fight, we’re there to try to help the Iraqi people and this is the exact reason why Iraq isn’t over. Those that are anti-war and anti-American should make up their minds about what the US should do. Because it seems that no matter what we do, we are on the negative end of the public opinion spectrum. Perhaps we should live up the mantle of “warmongers” that has been bestowed upon us and just blow Iraq to smithereens. We should nuke them off the face of the planet and destroy everything there. Let’s rape, pillage, and kill every man, woman, and child that lives there as well. How about we do that? How would that make you feel? Fortunately, the United States of America is not like that and we should stop being treated like we are.

Now That I Got That Off My Chest…

I hope we all enjoy the last Reading Day UIC will offer us. The experimental concept of Reading Day will end after this semester and there will be no more Reading Day in the Spring. Gee thanks UIC. Other schools offer a Fall Break… UIC likes to say, “Screw you.” Other schools offer a Reading Day… UIC tempts us by being nice temporarily before ripping it away from us. If UIC was a human, it’d be the mean bully that would beat little kids senseless, take their lunch money, steal their teddy bears, and builds them a fountain to keep their mouths shut.

Heaven forbid the school gives us an opportunity to study. The official story seems to be that finals get crammed into 4 days instead of the usual 5, resulting in conflicting finals. But in all honesty, with all the class cutting… do we really even have enough classes to fill 5 days worth of finals? It’s not like people never had 3 or 4 finals scheduled for one day before the advent of Reading Day. I have a friend who had that happen to her almost every year with or without Reading Day. And if UIC is suddenly concerned with the well-being of its students… why don’t we keep Reading Day and just drop the last Friday of the semester. We WANT that extra day to study or goof off, or whatever we choose to do with it. Why don’t you stop trying to screw the students over, UIC? Would it really be that bad to put the interests of the students first every now and then? Thank you UIC, you’ve screwed us again.

And On To Other Idiots…

How many times have we encountered a car alarm that just continues to blare incessantly with no hope of stopping? It’s the most annoying thing in the world to see some ghetto jalopy with a car alarm. It’s even more annoying when the alarm is allowed to stay on. Why get a car alarm if you’re not going to run out to your car and check on it to make sure it’s not being stolen? Of course, it doesn’t help that every car alarm has the exact same annoying tones… But that’s beside the point.

Car alarms don’t really deter people, they go off all the time and no one seems to care other than, “I wish that damn thing would shut up!” If you have a car alarm, use it properly. If not, don’t even bother turning it on. All it does is serve to annoy the hell out of everyone around you. Shut the hell up already!

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