The Information Age is pretty awesome. We have access to just about any kind of information at just a click of a button. Those of us old enough remember having to actually go to a library to do research and that encyclopedias came in book form. Today, everything is right there. And quite frankly... it's getting ridiculous.
Do we REALLY need 24 hours worth of news every day? I mean seriously... sometimes... NOTHING happens. Case in point, the other day I was watching Fox News and the headline was, "DRESS DRAMA" and within a few seconds it turned to "DRESS DISASTER." WTF? It wasn't like the Titanic sank again or some world leader was assassinated... no, it was Laura Bush and her stupid DRESS. Evidently 3 other women were wearing the SAME DRESS at a White House holiday party. WHOA! That's mind-blowing. That's worthy of wasting 30 minutes of my life and the lives of those fools actually ANALYZING this piece of BREAKING news.
Another thing, E. Coli at Taco Bell... tainted spinach... West Nile Virus... seriously now. 10 people die or get sick or something and suddenly it's an outbreak of funky food. If we're going to discuss the inane, obvious, and stupid... why don't we dedicate time to discuss the real things that are killing humanity: STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE.
Every single day... someone dies because someone else was stupid. You think I'm kidding? Drunk drivers... botched drive-bys... the list goes on. Those are the things more likely to kill us than some funky food you got at Taco Bell. I mean seriously now... if you DON'T get sick eating fast food all the damn time, you're the freak that should be on the news.
Our priorities are absolutesly messed up. We're willing to watch discussions on a DRESS. We're willing to subject ourselves to unjustified paranoia due to the newest "OUTBREAK!" But yet, we're not willing to actually take the time to celebrate the GOOD things in life. We're so willing to rally around and against the newest unjustifed threat that we forget that life is actually pretty good. So what if there's no imminent threat on any given day? So what if the world actually works out for once? We should take the time to enjoy those slow news days because they come too rarely. The world is fucked up enough for us to make minor things worse than they are.
Seize the day and enjoy the company of friends and family. Laugh a little longer and smile a little more. Because tomorrow... you might just walk out of the house dressed identically as everyone else in the world, eat a rancid spinach-topped taco, get E. Coli and while going to the hospital, get bit by a mosquito, get West Nile, and die.
If that happens... I'm sorry.
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