I Do Love the 80s…
The best part of Thanksgiving weekend is that it gives us college kids a chance to sit back and relax. TV apparently understands all of this and they show marathons of all the programs that we managed to miss while we were too busy cramming for the next round of midterms. I had the joy of watching VH1’s “I Love the 80s Strikes Back” and I was mentally transported to the age of true idiocy again. Hindsight is definitely 20/20 and seeing all the crazy stuff that was popular back then and realizing how smart I was to not own a pair of LA Gear, a Chia Pet, or those crazy color changing shirts, definitely makes me feel better about myself.
It just made me think about all the psychotic crap that we’ve immersed ourselves with today. I can’t wait until 20 years from now, someone looks back and goes, “What the hell was up with all that baggy clothing?” or “What’s the deal with people walking around in skimpy tube tops and mini-skirts in the dead of winter?” It’s fairly apparent that the phrase of the day has and will always be, “It seemed like a good idea at the time…” Let me say right here and right now, before VH1 produces “I Love the Millennium” in 2020… I laughed at and mocked you first. Morons.
And Finally…
This is my last article of the semester and I hope everyone has a good finals week. Best of luck in all of your classes and if you’re in mine, I hope you blow the final, so we have a good curve. Of course, I also wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Beware of rabid holiday shoppers, especially the soccer moms and the last minute shoppers… they’re aggressive. And I’ll leave you all with a list of New Year’s Resolutions for UIC and if they manage to accomplish these, we all have hope of keeping our own resolutions alive:
1.) Stop cutting classes
2.) Treat students nicer
3.) Stop raising tuition
4.) Stop being incompetent
5.) Stop trying to ignore the complaints of students (we won’t go away if we can’t get the classes we need to graduate)
6.) And finally: Finish the UH Fountain.
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