Monday, September 29, 2003

Quit Steppin' On My Groove

I Fear You Are Underestimating The Sleepiness…

I feel old. I remember when I was a little kid, I always wanted to stay up late and be cool like adults were. I mean, late night TV shows are cooler than the afternoon cartoons ever were. But now, we’re older and it seems like all we want to do is sleep and being a college student is never conducive to getting those precious hours of rest each night. All of those cool TV shows that we wanted to watch, we don’t have the time to enjoy now anyways.

There is always so much to be doing, whether it’s studying or trying to finish homework or trying to squeeze some time to have fun with friends. The demands of everyone around us are always so overwhelming. And saying, “Sorry my paper is late, I just had to sleep,” is never an excuse, despite its truth. Students passing out and falling asleep in class seems to never clue professors in on the fact that their teaching methods don’t work and are boring tired students. The entire college system seems to just be a mechanism to deprive young adults of sleep.

So this is a message to all professors and educators, we don’t mean to insult you if we are asleep in your class. While sometimes it may be because of boredom, it’s also the end result of systematic sleep deprivation that we all suffer from. All we want is a bit of understanding and a little bit of bedrest.

Cubs… Grr…

It’s no secret that I am a Chicago White Sox fan. I’ve been a southsider, born and raised in Bridgeport in the shadow of Comiskey Park. And now that the baseball season has ended… I find that my Sox aren’t in the playoff hunt, but the northside Cubs are! I have one word to say about that: DAMMIT!!!! The Sox were doing better all season than the comes, but then the stupid Minnesota Twins came in and rained on our parade. Now the bragging rights belong to Wrigleyville. But before any Cubs fan tries to rub their team’s success in my face, I have one simple thing to say, “SHUT UP!” Quit your gloating. The Cubs are the lovable losers that every yuppie on the planet loves. I wish them luck in their playoff hunt, because despite me being a Sox fan, I am also a Chicago fan. This city deserves to have a team not suck. Although, I would’ve rather that that Sox are in the playoffs too, but I never seem to get anything I want. Good luck, Cubbies… And that’s probably the last good thing I’ll say about them for a while. GO SOX! Maybe next year… or the year after that… or maybe the next decade… century… sometime before the end of time…

Still Standin’ On My Soapbox…

It never ceases to amaze me whenever I read or hear people’s opinions about the articles that I write. It seems that my opinions either cause people to completely hate me or utterly love that someone had finally put those thoughts into print. But then of course, it never ceases to amaze me that people provide such awesome fodder for me to write about.

Idiocy is everywhere and it is my moral obligation to publicize stupidity to make sure there is a public awareness of the problem. If we all were to pretend nothing is wrong and just accept things as they are without complaining about it or trying to change things, then we will be perpetuating a system of retardation that humanity cannot possibly recover from. So for all of you people that think I’m too cynical and/or bitter, I am bitter and cynical. I have every right to be, for the simple fact that friends shouldn’t let friends be stupid.

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