Okay fans (or whatever is left of my fanbase since my several months of hiatus from ranting), welcome to the first What's YOUR Deal?!? of 2010. I'm sure some of you are wondering what I've been up to if I haven't been pissed off at people... the short answer is: Yes. All kidding aside, there is so much stupidity in today's world that it's hard to convey into a rant that doesn't involve swearing, throwing my laptop out the window, or inciting a riot. I point out, the health care debate, the extreme right-wing, people who still don't believe President Barack Obama is a US citizen, etc. Every single day, I turn on the news and I see something absolutely ridiculous about Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, and a whole host of people who I wish I could ask, "What's YOUR Deal?!?" Those of you that have read my blog for a while know that I'm socially liberal but overall, I'd consider myself a moderate. I just want things to make sense, regardless of what someone's party line is. And everyone knows, I HATE toeing the party line.
But, the best of my rants come from the heart and personal experiences. I hate injustice in all of its forms, whether its to me, to my family, to my friends, or to anyone else in the world that I see getting the short end of the stick. I am a big fan of fairness and equity in all we do. So this What's YOUR Deal?!? returns to its roots: me serving as the social justice ninja enacting intellectual vigilante justice on those that have done someone wrong. And if you don't like it, Suck on it Trebek.
So, what has inspired me to rant? Well this one is dedicated to a friend of mine, that I believe has done nothing wrong but for some reason, was reprimanded due to someone else being a petty little weasel. I will not go into more detail, because this applies to everyone, not just this particular instance. And also, there's a possibility that the inspiration for this rant may also read this, and I would like to afford him or her the dignity of remaining anonymous to the criticism that the person would receive.
Today's world is full of information and the sharing of information. We thrive on it. This concept is why sites like Facebook, Twitter, and various blogging sites are so popular. Unfortunately, this same concept is also what drives reality TV shows. (See one of my old rants, for my opinion on that: The Idiots Are Winning) Sometimes people do stupid things like post something on Twitter and Facebook that will get them in trouble, like someone calling in sick and then subsequently posting pictures of their drunken party escapades while they were supposedly too ill to work. Or perhaps posting pictures of affairs or status updates indicating infidelity is more to some people's morality. That kind of stuff is straight up stupid.
The next level up is the slightly ambiguous tip-toeing on the line between stupid and acceptable. In the case of this woman: Facebook Firing she was fired because she called her job boring. Wow. I suppose that can be bad, but in my opinion, rather stupid. But, I'm not an expert on pettiness. I wouldn't recommend degrading your job regularly on Facebook because well, if you hate it that much, why don't you quit? And if it's not that bad, then... well, there are better places to complain about work than to broadcast it to the world.
And then there's the category of people posting innocent things in their status or Twitter of them enjoying life. I don't see anything wrong with that because, well, that's what it's for. How many times have we posted pictures of fun times with friends and family or a status update announcing something fantastically joyous? That's what that stuff is for. It's for us to keep up with friends and family we can't afford to call everyday and tell them everything about our lives.
What that is NOT for are the petty people who are so insecure in their own happiness and job security that they feel like they must narc on someone feeling joy so that they can get some personal gain out of it. What's YOUR deal?!? These people piss me off. Where do you get off judging someone? Or tattling on them when what they were doing was perfectly legitimate. "I'm having fun on my day off," shouldn't be grounds for a reprimand. Mind your own business you snivelling little social outcast that's apparently jealous that you didn't get invited to hang out with the cool kids. WTF is wrong with the world today? People are seemingly so afraid that the joys and happiness of others will somehow make their own life more miserable. Sorry, dude or dudette, newsflash: other people have a right to be happy. And you can:
I think this issue is not just in the realm of Facebook and Twitter and other social networking sites. It's the reason why America is in the state that it is, with the extreme right wing telling people health care will kill grandma and why gay marriage will cause straight divorce or whatever crazy ridiculous justification people come up with to deprive people of happiness. Are we as a society so joyless and so sad that the moment something good is happening to someone else, we are so jealous and enraged that we must do everything in our power to put an end to it? Do we have to scour Facebook and Twitter for posts from our friends and co-workers in a quest to find some dirt to use against them? Are we so desperate to do so that we practically make stuff up about other people so that it sounds worse than it is just to make ourselves feel better and important? Are we so cowardly about such things that we dare not confront people as individuals to their face, but rather stabbing them in the back? Is that who we are?
I really hope not. But something tells me that this blog and others like it, calling people out for such idiocy will be very gainfully engaged for the foreseeable future. You people sicken me... and if you have a problem with that, tell me to my face. I want the pleasure of telling you this:
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