Hello everyone! Here's another edition of What's YOUR Deal?!? just in time for Valentine's Day. I wanted to show you all that I love you... by telling you how little I think of you. :) Just kidding. If you're reading this, you're probably among the few that I do not find annoying. So thank you.
This What's YOUR Deal?!? is dedicated to all the women folk out there. No, not just because of Valentine's Day, but because of all of the things that has been going on in politics that seems to want to belittle our competence and place in society. And ESPECIALLY because I want to intellectually slap some sense into some of those without the dangly bits in their nether regions that make things harder for the rest of us.
Exhibit A:
Ahem... everyone all at once now... "WHAT'S YOUR DEAL?!?" To those that can't open the link, this is a collection of Twitter tweets referring to Chris Brown at his appearance on the Grammys. It's a list of 25 tweets from women who basically all say, "Chris Brown, I know you have a reputation for abusing women... but I'll let you beat me all day because you're pretty."
Is that what this generation of women are about? So... the generations of women prior to 2012, struggling to achieve equality beyond being clubbed over the head by a caveman*, dragged into a cave to get ooga ooga'ed... all just went to heck because clearly, the issue isn't women getting hit or abused... it's because the man isn't pretty enough. Oh I get it. Holy cow. Yes, we will all go back to the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, abandoning all semblance of equality, and consenting to abuse... if only men are prettier. Well, we just solved gender problems and inequality.
Thank you, everyone that tweeted something along those lines. Thank you.
* = (Oh, and apologies to the GEICO cavemen. None were harmed in the writing of this post.)
Exhibit B:
So, it's not just the Twitter generation that seems to have diarrhea of the brain that is hurting the ovaries of every woman on the planet... it's also apparently educated women that has had respectable professional careers that also seem to have the same effect on me... (Well... at least this one apparently educated woman...)
"What do they expect?" was the question she asked. I'm sorry, as a female veteran of the United States military... I did NOT expect to be raped by my brothers and/or sisters in arms. I may have signed away many things during my time in the service... but I did not sign away my hoohoo. The issue isn't women getting "raped too much," but it's of the sorry excuses for humanity that would even consider sexually attacking women or forcing themselves on them without consent.
I can't even come up with a coherent response to this woman that doesn't involve slapping* some sense into her. Granted, I'm not a pretty man, so I guess I would just have to use this blog to do it intellectually.
* = (I do not condone violence... at least not physically... intellectual violence... always acceptable.)
Exhibit C:
Now we have Rick Santorum... (Google "Santorum" for a giggle.) He states: "I think that could be a very compromising situation, where people naturally may do things that may not be in the interest of the mission, because of other types of emotions that are involved. It already happens, of course, with the camaraderie of men in combat, but I think it would be even more unique if women were in combat, and I think that's probably not in the best interest of men, women or the mission."
Which one is it? Are men all rapists? Are men are blindingly chivalrous? Can't be both! Because apparently... women just want to be abused, men will rape them, and then feel bad for it. Really? What kind of a world do I live in!?
Clearly, the world we live in does not respect women... and that disrespect does not come from just men... but in the way women choose to portray themselves. Women deserve more than to be abused and raped... women deserve more than to be treated as dainty, delicate, and fragile objects that need to be babied. Women are stronger than you think and deserve more than to be treated as a statistic. The fault lies not just with men or just with women... the fault lies in humanity. So to humanity, on this Valentine's Day... Women, stop being stupid. Men, stop being rapists and then feeling guilty about it by being overly chivalrous. All of you make my ovaries hurt. My hoohoo has been offended and it demands justice! Have some self-respect!