Sunday, January 25, 2009

A Different Take On The War on Drugs...

This week's edition of "What's YOUR Deal?!?" is dedicated to Denise's mom Brenda, who suggested the topic for me to rant on. Oh, and speaking of Denise, check out her note: It's pretty darned entertaining.

And as an update to the Abortion Donut rant, I e-mailed both Krispy Kreme and the American Life League with this:

"I am very confused. How are the free Krispy Kremes tomorrow supporting abortions? Are the proceeds going to abortion clinics? I really need to know. Is the 'Right to Choose' different than the 'Freedom to Choose'? I don't want to inadvertently support something if it clashes with my sensibilities."

Unfortunately, I did not get a response from either. Oh well...

Anyways... on to this week's topic: Drugs. No, I'm not talking about the good stuff... the Oxycontins, the Vicodins, the Marijuana, Cocaine, or any of other more abusable drugs. I'm talking about the endless stream of commercials on TV advertising the latest and greatest in herpes treatment, anti-depressants, or lord know what else is supposed to be cured. You know what I mean, the drugs that the drug industry seemingly just shook a bag of Scrabble letters, poured a few on the table, and added -ax, -il, or -ol to the end and called it good. I almost want to create a game from this... new drug or latest Japanese car name? Seriously, what exactly is a Scion? Is it like a Cylon from Battlestar Galactica? Am I supposed to be afraid of it or drive it? (Actually, I think both...)

I digress.

How many of these stupid commercials do I need to endure? I'm sick of all of the commercials that start with happy peppy people kayaking, going on bike rides, and then BAM instead of an ad for the Bahamas or the Caribbeans... it's a HERPES DRUG commercial. "I have genital herpes..." GAH! Gee, maybe we can get the American Life League on these people... they are clearly advocating a pro-herpes life choice! Yeah, that doesn't make sense to me either, but it was fun to write. The implication of the commercial is not just that people with herpes somehow lead more active lives than most people, but it also implies that people, instead of going to doctors to get their diagnosis and treatment, should go to doctors and demand to be prescribed the latest drug they see on TV. It's like children demanding the latest Tickle Me Cabbage Patch Pokemon Station 3 from their beleaguered parents around the holiday season. What next? Sick people writing to Santa Claus going, "I've been a good girl this year.... can I please get a cure to cancer?"

As if the commercial drug industry isn't dominating the health care system already with the way they essentially bribe doctors with pens, mugs, and stationary... they're also targeting the American people. Of course doctors would be more inclined to prescribe something that the drug companies gave them for free to distribute. (Although, I am still in search of a Viagra pen. Anyone? If you have one or know where to get one, please let me know.) There's nothing wrong with generic medications and the commercialization of drugs is not just stupid and annoying, it's detrimental to health care. I guess poor people don't get the newest wonder drugs. Oh well!

Monetary costs aside, what about the physical cost? What is the deal with all of those side effects? I saw a commercial last night for a drug whose name I don't recall for the treatment of a medical issue I don't particularly care about and the side effect was TUBERCULOSIS! "This drug may cause TUBERCULOSIS!" W... T... F?!? As if I wasn't sick of hearing about diarrhea drugs causing constipation or constipation drugs causing diarrhea and anal leakage... TUBERCULOSIS!? Seriously?!? What next? Polio? HIV? Bubonic Plague? We get VACCINATED against Tuberculosis and your freakin' drug MAY CAUSE IT?!? I'm sorry, when the side effect is possibly scarier than whatever ailment I have, I think I'll take a pass on the drug. I don't care how depressed I am, but when the drug I'm taking for it causes my butt cheeks part like the Red Sea and diarrhea to rain forth upon the Promised Land... I can't imagine feeling that much better about myself.

Drugs aren't the answer. Don't get me wrong, I throughly... and I mean THOROUGHLY enjoyed my post-wisdom teeth and post-knee surgery Percocet... but the line has to be drawn. Whatever happened to people just going on kayaking and bike riding trips? You do realize you don't need to have herpes to have fun, right? Why can't people just live a healthy life and lower their risk for heart disease and erectile dysfunction by exercising? The last time I checked, jogging and playing sports don't cause Tuberculosis or anal leakage, but I may have to check on the latter. America, get off your drugs and get on Nintendo's Wii Fit or something! In the immortal words of Nancy Reagan: "Just say no."

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